Package edu.ntnu.idatt1002.g106.handballapp.finalprod.backend

package edu.ntnu.idatt1002.g106.handballapp.finalprod.backend
  • Class
    This is a class that creates an administrator
    this class is used as a message class its purpose is to give the user different popup windows that alert the user about different events
    this class is a construction class that describes how a field is going to look like; and different methods that will be used to handle a field
    Represents a match in a tournament.
    Class to provide constants for different regions
    This class creates a structure for the results of the matches.
    this class is a static class used for switching between the different pages/scenes in the program
    This class creates a general structure for a handball team.
    This is a class forming the structure of a team register.
    This is a class which creates the structure of tournament.
    This class serves as the structure of a tournament register.
    Represents a user of the application