All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Tournament extends Object implements Serializable
This is a class which creates the structure of tournament. Therefore, it contains all the relevant fields and methods which define a tournament. These methods include storage and manipulations of matches.
Gruppe 6
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • tournamentID

      private int tournamentID
    • matchList

      private List<Match> matchList
    • startDate

      private LocalDate startDate
    • endDate

      private LocalDate endDate
    • teamRegister

      private TeamRegister teamRegister
    • results

      private Results results
    • tournamentPlace

      private String tournamentPlace
    • numFields

      private int numFields
    • numTeams

      private int numTeams
    • tournamentName

      private String tournamentName
    • roundTeamList

      private List<List<Team>> roundTeamList
    • roundMatchList

      private List<List<Match>> roundMatchList
    • currentRound

      private int currentRound
    • region

      private String region
  • Constructor Details

    • Tournament

      public Tournament(int tournamentID, String tournamentName, LocalDate startDate, LocalDate endDate, String tournamentPlace, int numFields, int numTeams, String region) throws IllegalArgumentException
      This is a constructor which allows for a tournament object to be initialized. The constructor gathers the vital information for structuring a tournament.
      tournamentID - The identification number for a tournament, represented as an int
      startDate - The date for which the tournament starts, represented as a LocalDate
      endDate - The date for which the tournament ends, represented as a LocalDate
  • Method Details

    • generateTournament

      public void generateTournament()
      This method fills out the MatchList for each round by assigning times for the whole tournament. No two consecutive rounds will overlap.
    • makeSchedule

      public List<LocalDateTime> makeSchedule()
      This method creates a list of equally spaced out times for the given start and end date based on the number of fields and the restricted start time: 9:00-21:00.
      A list of all the times for all the matches
    • getTimeBetweenMatches

      public double getTimeBetweenMatches()
      This method gets the amount of time needed between matches
      Time between matches in tournament, represented by double
    • getTimeBetweenMatchesRounded

      public int getTimeBetweenMatchesRounded()
      If we want times for matches that start at exactly hh:00, then this method is used in make schedule instead of the one above.
      A rounded time interval between matches, represented as an int
    • totalIntervalsNeeded

      public int totalIntervalsNeeded()
      This method finds the total number of intervals of games needed in order to ensure that no two rounds overlap while considering all fields.
      The total amount of intervals needed to split the total tournament time, represented as an int
    • intervalTakenByRound

      public int intervalTakenByRound(int round)
      This method checks the intervals taken by a given round
      round - The given round, represented as an int
      The interval take by a given round
    • checkNumMatchesByRound

      public int checkNumMatchesByRound(int round)
      This method returns the amount of matches in the given round
      round - The current round, represented as an int
      Number of matches in the round, represented as an int
    • checkAmountRounds

      public int checkAmountRounds()
      This method checks how many rounds will exist in the given tournament.
      Number of rounds, represented as an int
    • generateRoundWithTeams

      public void generateRoundWithTeams(int round) throws IllegalArgumentException
      This method adds all the winning teams to matches for the next round.
      round - The current round of the tournament, represented as an int
    • updateAllTeamsInTournament

      public void updateAllTeamsInTournament()
      This method updates all the teams in the tournament's information.
    • updateTeamInfoByName

      public void updateTeamInfoByName(String teamName)
      This method updates a given team's information (goals, wins, and losses).
      teamName - Name of team, represented as a String
    • setWinsOfTeamByName

      public void setWinsOfTeamByName(String teamName)
      This method sets the total wins of a team, during the tournament, based on each match played
      teamName - Name of the team, represented as a String
    • setLosesOfTeamByName

      public void setLosesOfTeamByName(String teamName)
      This method sets the total losses of a team, during the tournament, based on each match played
      teamName - Name of the team, represented as a String
    • setTotalGoalsOfTeamByName

      public void setTotalGoalsOfTeamByName(String teamName)
      This method sets the total goals of a team, during the tournament, based on each match played
      teamName - Name of a team, represented as a String
    • setFirstTeamsList

      public void setFirstTeamsList()
      This method sets the first teams list full with the team register.
    • getTournamentName

      public String getTournamentName()
      getMethod that gets Tournament Name
      tournament name as a String
    • addMatch

      public boolean addMatch(Match match)
      This method adds a match to the list of matches
      match - Match to be added
      Status whether the match was added, if it's already in the list it returns false, if it's added true
    • removeMatchByMatchID

      public boolean removeMatchByMatchID(int matchID)
      This method removes a match from the list based on a given matchID
      matchID - A match's identification number, represented as an int
      Status on whether it was successfully removed, true if it was, false if it wasn't
    • getMatchList

      public List<Match> getMatchList()
      This method retrieves the tournament list of matches.
      List of matches registered in the tournament
    • getTournamentID

      public int getTournamentID()
      This method retrieves the tournament's identification number
      Tournament's identification number, represented as an int
    • getStartDate

      public LocalDate getStartDate()
      This method retrieves the tournament's start date.
      The start date of the tournament, represented as a LocalDate object
    • getEndDate

      public LocalDate getEndDate()
      This method retrieves the tournament's end date.
      The end date of the tournament, represented as a LocalDate object
    • getTeamRegister

      public TeamRegister getTeamRegister()
      This method retrieves the team register of the tournament.
      Team register object over tournament
    • getRoundTeamList

      public List<List<Team>> getRoundTeamList()
      This method retrieves the list of winning teams for each round.
      List of winning teams, represented using Team objects
    • getRoundMatchList

      public List<List<Match>> getRoundMatchList()
      This method returns the list of matches for each round.
      List of Match objects for each round
    • getCurrentRound

      public int getCurrentRound()
      this method gets the current round of the tournament, used when generations of matches
      int value of the current round
    • getNumTeams

      public int getNumTeams()
      get the number of remaining teams
      in of remaining teams
    • getRegion

      public String getRegion()
      gets the region of the tournament
      string of the region
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString method for returning all Tournament information
      toString in class Object
      all Tournament information as a String