Package edu.ntnu.idatt1002.g106.handballapp.finalprod.controller
package edu.ntnu.idatt1002.g106.handballapp.finalprod.controller
ClassesClassDescriptionthe apps starting class which doesn't implement applicationStarting class extends application.this class is used for the helpPage, send the user to different websides the user can report a problem as wellthis is the loging page controller, which will be takes in uses later in the develepomentThis is the mainpage class and hold information of matches, gets updated when initializedThis class will be the first page you see when program started it will be used as a region selection, witch four buttons that will take the user to the different regionsclass for handling events in a regional pagethis will in future development be the licence registration pagethis class will be used to reset a password in future developmentthis class handles events when a match is to be createdthis class has the different methods and fields necessary for creating new tournamentsthis class handles team registration and different methods for user team registration will happen in the fxml page and is used herethis class disused for generation of matches, and similar methods